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barrel adjusters

Five or six years ago I found a vintage set of aluminum DT barrel adjusters at a bike swap. No brand or maker’s mark, standard threading (!), and I have yet to find out who made them despite many valiant internet searches.

These brass adjusters, expertly machined to my specs by Lichen Precision a couple hours north in WA state, are an homage to that vintage set. Brass is an excellent choice for threaded bits as it will turn as easily years from now as it does today. In my opinion these are the best looking barrel adjusters you can buy. Stainless steel springs or brass M5 nuts are included with each pair. I hope they provide you with decades of particularly pleasant cable tension adjustments.

• Choose springs if your cable hangers have M5 threading.
• Choose brass M5 nuts if your cable hangers have M6 threading or are unthreaded. (If you’re unsure what the threading of your hangers is, use a water bottle bolt to check: if it threads in, you have M5, if it goes through without threading, you have M6.)

M5 x 0.8
14.5mm threaded
1” OAL
~5g ea

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When you get two adjusters they come with a little burlap sack inside a lasered tin, both of which I hope you will be able to re-use around the house. I like using the bags to put nice smelling things in the closet, for example. I also enjoy reading about spacetime late at night.