All sales are final, and I don’t have the capacity to accept returns, but I’d like you to be happy with your order. If it contains an error or defect please contact me and it will be made right. I may ask for photos to ensure clear communication.
Shovel Research stands by all products that it manufactures. Warranty is valid for 1 year from purchase date and is non-transferable. Product replacement is available if you encounter any product failure, as long as it was installed correctly according to our guides and, for bicycle accessories, was not involved in stunt riding. Please use common sense and take responsibility for your use of Shovel Research products, but do reach out if you feel your product has failed in a way that is not explained by your level of risk while riding. To discuss a product concern, please email a description and photos to For products that we sell but do not manufacture (bolts, spacers, tools, merch), we cannot offer an official warranty, but would appreciate being informed of any quality concerns that may arise.
Privacy Policy
Store info: Shovel Research
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Shovel Research does not intend to store or currently store customer financial details (card numbers). Payments are processed by Stripe and while Shovel Research maintains records of customers and order histories, we do not have access to customer financial details.
Shovel Research collects the email addresses of those who communicate with us via email, information volunteered via surveys, forms, and/or site registrations, names and addresses, phone numbers.
We will only use phone contact information if a customer initiates contact through our virtual contact number.
Our policy is not to add consumer email addresses to our mailing list unless explicitly requested either via email or by submitting a sign up form. In the future the information we collect on this site may be used to notify consumers about updates or to contact consumers for marketing purposes. At any time you may request your email be removed from our lists by writing to the email address provided above or clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any newsletter.
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Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, and written and other materials that appear as part of this Site (collectively, the "Contents") are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress and/or other intellectual properties owned, controlled or licensed by Shovel Research. The Site as a whole is protected by copyright and trade dress, all worldwide rights, titles and interests in and to which are owned by Shovel Research. Contents or any part of the Site may not be reproduced in any way without express permission.